Sydney Catholic Schools is located in Leichhardt, Australia on 38 Renwick St. Sydney Catholic Schools is rated 4.2 out of 5 in the category school administrator in Australia. Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is responsible for the leadership, efficient operation and management of 151 systemic Catholic schools that educate more than 70,000 students in the Archdiocese of Sydney. The Archdiocese includes schools on the lower North Shore, the eastern and southern suburbs, and the inner-western, north-western and south-western suburbs of Sydney. (SCS) operates 112 primary schools and 39 secondary schools. It is the largest Catholic diocese in NSW. Catholic systemic schools do not receive as much government funding as government schools. That shortfall is made up in part by charging very modest fees. Sydney Catholic schools are vibrant, dynamic, contemporary learning communities where the Gospel values of love, tolerance and acceptance are lived out every day. The Catholic school system is the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Catholic community. The mission of Catholic education is very clear. We are committed to celebrating being Catholic in Australia; ensuring quality teaching and learning and making a difference in our world. Sydney Catholic Schools employ around 9,000 staff (permanent, temporary and casual). SCS Central office is located in Leichhardt. There are also regional offices in Revesby (South), Lidcombe (Inner West) and Daceyville (East). SCS exists to provide schools with a wide range of services and resources to support students and teachers so that every student is able to receive a high-quality Catholic education.
Company size
10,001+ employees
Leichhardt, NSW