Hobart, Australia
96 Elizabeth St
+61 449575384
In-store shopping
Amazing customer service. Rehoming different brands and items is not a walk in the park. Barbara and her team were very prompt with communications. Unfortunately the sizing for a shirt I bought wasn't right and RR allowed me to return and receive a refund on my purchase. The Pendleton shirt was in great condition, I wish I could've kept it! I hope to shop with RR again.
What an incredible place. Congratulations to the owners for moving on a brilliant idea.The opportunity to purchase some of the best quality outdoor gear at the right price and central to the city area. Go check it out and get out there and experience this idyllic state. Staff very knowledgable if you dont see it, ask.
Great concept. Good to see it running, and thriving, after setting up here 17yrs ago and being based on an idea first seen in Dunedin. NZ needs one of these shops back again too :)
Visited on a recent weekend trip to Hobart . Been wanting to take a look since learning of this stores' existence through a Facebook hiking group. If you're wanting preloved quality equipment at reasonable prices this is the place to visit. Helpful staff . If it's not out in the store ask the staff it may just be out the back.
Great service and range of second hand clothing. Bought Mamut boots just like new for half price and my friend bought a classic fireman red shirt made from pure virgin wool. Good finds!
Best place to get second hand camping, hiking and travel goods. Everything is top quality and priced according. Love this shop.
Definitely the first place to check for outdoor gear. Managers are very nice and helpful, offer great deals
A great find in Hobart with a good range of quality second hand hiking and outdoor gear . Wish there was one in Brisbane .
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