Independent Advocacy NQ is located in Mundingburra, Australia on 2/179-181 Ross River Rd. Independent Advocacy NQ is rated 4.7 out of 5 in the category disability services & support organisation in Australia. Independent Advocacy in the Tropics Inc, (IATI) is a community organisation formed in 1989 and incorporated in 1991, to provide advocacy support for people with disability. We currently have two registered Business Names; Independent Advocacy Townsville and Independent Advocacy NQ. We provide a quality service accredited under the Human Services Quality Standards and the National Disability Advocacy Standards for both Individual and Systemic Advocacy. IATI's disability advocacy service region covers over 284,000km2 and includes > Burdekin Shire > Cassowary Coast > Charters Towers > Flinders / Mckinlay / Richmond Shires > Hinchinbrook Shire > Isaac / Mackay / Whitsunday Shires (NDIS Appeals only) > Palm Island Shire > Townsville Funded by Department of Social Services (DSS); Department of Child Safety and Disability Services (DCSDS); and Queensland Health.
2/179-181 Ross River Rd
Company size
1-10 employees